Yes, The 501 Exchange is a 501(c)(3)3 nonprofit organization. All donations {hyperlink to donation page} are tax deductible.
Frequently asked questions
How are FRVR FREE and The 501 Exchange connected?
FRVR FREE is the musical expression and the culture carriers of The 501 Exchange. The two entities are not related in a business sense but closely knit in their mission to bring the message of freedom to the world. Think of it this way, if The 501 Exchange is the hub, FRVR FREE is a spoke.
Did The 501 Exchange start in 2020?
The ministry that has now been named The 501 Exchange has been operating since 2016, gained its nonprofit status in early 2018, and has been growing ever since. See the “about” {hyperlink to about section} section for more info.
Does 501 only exist in Athens, GA?
Every great move of freedom starts somewhere and we believe this one starts here. We want to be the change we want to see, both in this city and in the world. Actively being involved in this community will better equip us to serve on a global capacity in the near future. We are so expectant for what God wants to do in and through this ministry.
What breaks the heart of The 501 Exchange?
In our 5 years of ministry, we have seen countless people — students, young adults, and beyond — walk throughout life wearing the chains of addiction, depression, anxiety, and shame. Whether we realize it or not, many of us have unknowingly subjected ourselves to these chains and grown numb to their effects. At The 501 Exchange, we believe God has equipped us uniquely to help people remove their chains and receive God’s freedom — this is the exchange.
How does The 501 Exchange receive its funding?
The 501 Exchange receives funding through the generous donations of individuals and supportive businesses. We plan to generate additional income to continue funding this ministry by allowing our building to host events during non-operating hours. In addition, we are in the process of creating resources, content, and curriculum that will be available for purchase. Every step of obedience reveals new ways to provide people with freedom.
Who does The 501 Exchange plan to serve?
We believe that freedom is for everyone, in any season, and in every walk of life. Our focus in this season is serving the students and young adults of Athens, GA. An overwhelming majority of young adults suffer from shame, addiction, depression, loneliness, fear, anxiety, that leads them to live in bondage. We desire to help people AWAKEN to their freedom in Jesus. This process can be challenging, and we provide a community of people who have found their freedom as a way to help others journey toward the same.
How will purchasing a building help the 501?
Being in the heart of the city of Athens, GA puts us in a better position to serve young adults. Once we are operating out of this space, our ministry will be located within walking distance of UGA Campus and the local community. This building is also accessible on a public transportation bus route. This space allows us to grow our gatherings and provide a consistent and easily accessible way for people to be involved. We will be walking distance from Clarke Central High School, across the street from government-funded housing, and walking distance from the campus of UGA. This location alone gives us access to invite almost 30,000 young adults just between the high school and college campus, not including all other young adults living in the city. We believe this is an incredible opportunity to continue growing this ministry. This building will provide offices for our staff to continue working together on content creation, recording podcasts and sermons, and releasing it to our audience of thousands of people. This space will also allow our discipleship program to expand with the growing reach of the ministry.

© 2025 The 501 Exchange